Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by RecRef
1. A few private schools in northern Virginia do not use the VHSL officials. They use IAABO bd. 12 officials. Paul VI and Espiscopal are two of which I can name for certain that do this. I'm not a lawyer either, so I have no idea how this fits with the right to work law! But I can say that I have worked games at both of these schools while never being a Virginia resident.
Cardinal Basketball Officials Association (255)
Well Noooo, I did a numer of games at Espicopal and other private league schools this year as a member of Cardinal. Now FWIW, I do hold a current IAABO card but I know that many of my partners do not. All of us are VHSL officials but we did not wear our patches as it was not a VSHL game.
Things have changes since you have been here.
Thanks dblref for posting the correct list of officers.