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Old Tue Apr 29, 2003, 01:11pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Some more bad news for our friend, M.S.S. Again, from comes this story. . .

Baghdad Bob's New Suit
The former Iraqi information minister, known to many as "Baghdad Bob," was popular with some, but an Egyptian lawyer is suing him along with his boss Saddam for $33 million in emotional damages.

An Arab newspaper in London quotes the lawyer, Yaseri Omran, as saying he faithfully followed Information Minister Mohammed Al-Sahhaf's statements on Iraq's victory, but then "was struck by shock that caused fainting" to learn that "Al-Sahhaf's statements were false... and that he had betrayed the feelings of the simple citizens in all the Arab countries and caused them great sorrow."

Omran also wants Saddam and Al-Sahhaf to repay him for his new TV, on which he watched the war, which he says ultimately caused him to suffer a nervous breakdown.

On a more serious note, I also read today that the lawyer who supplied the information leading to Private Jessica Lynch's rescue has been granted asylum in the US, and is living here with his wife and daughter.,2933,85479,00.html

[Edited by ChuckElias on Apr 29th, 2003 at 01:14 PM]
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