Thread: Fair and Foul
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Old Mon Oct 01, 2012, 04:26pm
jTheUmp jTheUmp is offline
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Once a ball is declared foul by an umpire, it is a foul ball.

Gotta put everyone back where they were at the time of the pitch (and add a strike to the batter's count if he had less than 2 strikes).

Then you're probably going to have to toss the Team A coach.

Then you're going to have to have a very serious and one-side conversation with your BU in the parking lot after the game. Topics including, but not limited to:
1) If you, as PU, have a foul call, it's your job to call it loudly enough for the world to hear it. And, even if you're unable to do so, the ball is dead once you declare it foul anyway, so the runners are going to return no matter what.
2) "He also said with more chalk on line he would have seen where ball was." So he was looking to see if the ball was fair or foul? WTF? Who was watching his responsibilities while he was watching yours?
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