Originally Posted by Manny A
No kidding.
But it does beg the question (and forgive me for using that phrase incorrectly, whoever dinged me for using it the last time!): Since ASA 8-7-U doesn't specify that abandonment can only happen when the ball is Live, is it appropriate to call a runner out for abandoning the base and entering DBT after an umpire had called Time?
Of course not. It also doesn't specify a runner is out if tagged with a ball when off a base can only happen when the ball is live, either. Some things are just assumed as common sense.
Suffice it to say that, in general, only dead ball appeals can generate an out when the ball isn't live. Interesting question for the masses; who can name other instances noted in the rules?
The only one I can think of off hand is the out for playing short-handed when that position comes up to bat. Any others?