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Old Sun Sep 30, 2012, 04:08am
Steven Tyler Steven Tyler is offline
In Time Out
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Originally Posted by Hand Signals View Post
I usually use the forum to just read but I think I'll state my opinion on this. I would like to challenge anyone to make this call in real time. It's very easy to say now that Jennings had "control" first after you see the still shots, but in a split second after the jump ball he sees Tate on his back and Jennings on top of him with 4 hands on the ball. I know if I was in that position I would have no choice but to call TD. Granted, a discussion between officials was certainly warranted here. But during a discussion I would be saying they both had it on the ground.

My perspective of this play is certainly biased being an official because I now know how difficult it is to see this stuff when it's happening right in front of you. As a fan I would have been the idiot yelling "Are you blind?"
Here's what I saw in real time without going throught about 200 posts. It appeared that Tate intially controlled the ball, and Jennings got his hands on the ball a split second later. They both fell to the ground with simultanious possession. In that case, my basic knowledge of the rule was the offense had the ball, and thus a touchdown was awarded. I never saw the push by Tate either.

Heck replay didn't overturn it.

IMO-the replacement referees where just pawns in a game of chess where the NFL has lost it's Queen, but were playing well with their rooks. Until this blunder which caused check, and the NFL conceded before mate.
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