Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
PS - can't be a jabstep ... he's already an infielder after not throwing to third.
But when he made his fake to third, he never disengaged his pivot foot from the rubber. His subsequent move to first looked just like a jab-step, because the pivot foot disengaged simultaneously as he was making the move to first. At least that's how it looked to me.
From 8.05(c): "
However, if, with runners on first and third, the pitcher, while in contact with the rubber, steps toward third and then immediately and in practically the same motion “wheels” and throws to first base, it is obviously an attempt to deceive the runner at first base, and in such a move it is practically impossible to step directly toward first base before the throw to first base, and such a move shall be called a balk. Of course, if the pitcher steps off the rubber and then makes such a move, it is not a balk.
This pither, IMO, did not step off the rubber
before making the move to first. He started his move to first with a jab-step, which comes simultaneously with the move.