If by continuous batting order you mean the same thing as what we call "bat the roster", these are local rules (league, tournament, whatever) and handling these kinds of situations is hit-and-miss, since the locals usually do not think everything through.
Lacking a directive from the locals, I tell the coaches at the plate meeting how I will handle such things... if a courtesy runner is desired for F1 or F2, she will be the last out. If a pinch runner is needed for injury, she will be the last out. I haven't thought about a player injured while at bat... probably do the same, tho, last out comes to bat and assumes the count (pretty tough on a 10U batter to start out with 2 strikes, though!). Once a player is removed from the roster for injury or whatever, she may not return for that game.
One more thing... no automatic outs when the removed players turn at bat comes up again unless the team has dropped below 9 players.