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Old Thu Sep 27, 2012, 07:51am
JJ JJ is offline
Veteran College Umpire
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Originally Posted by GA Umpire View Post
Not unless someone utters the words "I protest". You have no idea what his ruling is and therefore, should not be getting involved. He may have ruled something that you do not know what the call was.
If this happens in my game I'm going right to the calling umpire and ask him what he has - I'm not going to wait for someone to say "protest", which usually comes after a lengthy and heated discussion.
It was certainly obvious to me that the calling umpire screwed up, and it was also obvious to me that it was a rules boo-boo no matter WHAT the call was.
I hope that if I would ever be the calling umpire here that another umpire would come to me immediately to find out what I called. If this is corrected quickly and appropriately it reduces the crap that's inevitably going to fly.
Heck, the MLB guys huddle up for everything else - why not a cut and dried one like this?

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