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Old Tue Sep 25, 2012, 03:16pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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As a general guideline:

1) If it's pure judgment -- leave it alone

2) If it's judgment, but you have additional information (tag, when partner was looking at force, or a ball on the ground) -- use some signal (I just look at him) to let your partner know you have something

3) If it's a rule -- get together

Now, you might not know for sure -- if a fly ball is dropped, did your partner jusdge it to be accidental (item 1), forget that there was a runner on with less than two outs (item 2), or not know that it's a violation to intentionally drop it (item 3)? So, there's some reading of the situation involved -- I would usually invite (but not initiate) a discussion by using the "signal" method here.
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