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Old Tue Sep 25, 2012, 10:10am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by jchamp View Post
2-32-10 defines a coach to be in the category of "nonplayers".

9-8-3 states that a nonplayer shall not be outside his team box (except for three in the restricted area).

The team box does not extend "around" the field. Therefore, he has gone outside his team box. If someone isn't uncomfortable banging him for that, you've also got 9-9-5, with the "travesty of the game" clause.
"Travesty of the game" would be an outright ridiculous call. You're taking the football game as subsuming the whole world, instead of being just one part of a person's life. Obviously nonplayers can leave their team box to use the bathroom, go talk to a friend, etc. If two coaches want to have a meeting, that's a level of conduct outside of and superseding the game, not part of the game and its administration. It does not interfere with the game, and the game should not interfere with it.
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