Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
I guarantee you it's not the way they'd want to do it if the coaches wanted to discuss ditching the officiating crew without pay and immediately installing another. There are some things you just don't want the referee in on.
I guess if both coaches can agree to:
a) take both their teams to another field off of school property where the AD, principal, etc. won't be able to stop them
b) find and use a competent officiating crew that is not part of any association
c) be content with the results of that game, regardless of how it goes for them
d) get the state association to accept the results of a game that it did not sanction
e) accept the personal liability risk for playing a game in a manner inconsistent with THEIR contracts
f) do so in a manner that no parents or fans will be angered that the game was not played in the time and location promised and subsequently complain
... then the coaches really don't need me on the field. I'm willing bet my house that it doesn't happen in THIS country before the heat death of the universe, with the coaches keeping their jobs.