Mon Sep 24, 2012, 08:54am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 297
The way I understand this is...
Originally Posted by mbcrowder
What do you differently, as an umpire, on a timing play?
Here's why I ask... working with a new to me, very solid partner over the weekend (he works higher level ball than me and is well respected and liked by all)... R1 on 2nd, R2 on 1st, 2 outs. We give each other the timing play signal. Single to center. Both runners taking the extra base and the throw goes to third. I'm plate, and I line up home with 3rd so I can see both. Slide at 3rd takes the play to the outfield side of the bag - throw is in time but I can't see the actual timing of the tag, and it's VERY close to when my runner touches home.
As BU, do you do ANYthing to help your partner out on the timing of the tag? As it turned out, partner gives a long pause and then a very slow, protracted, big sell out. I have NO CLUE whether the tag happened first or not. Forced to guess, and being maybe 60-70% sure based on what I do know, I score the run.
Luckily, no one erupts, no coach questions, and the game ended up where that 1 run was not the difference. Given the mechanics of this tourney, I didn't have a chance for a post game with this partner, so I never got to discuss it with him.
And as a side question ... is 60-70% sure enough for you to score the run here? Do you have to be 100% sure of the score? Do you have to be 100% sure the other way to rule no run? In retrospect, I wish I'd went out to confer with him between innings.
The BU has the intermediate runner at 3rd base when there is a potential play at the plate. If you watch ASA's new DVD its there. It's not covered well and is almost skated over but its there.