Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
If something is covered by anything, it is not exposed. Therefore, not subject to your inspection.
I don't inspect.
I only ask, "What's under the tape?"
If they say "Jewelry", it's gone.
No fuss.
No muss.
They know the rules.
And if they decline to answer?
Again, speaking ASA. From the 2003 ASA Umpire Clinic Guide:
JEWELRY (Rule 3, Section 6 F)
Exposed jewelry may not be worn by the players if deemed dangerous by the umpire. When a player refuses to remove the jewelry, after being requested to do so by the umpire, the player will not be allowed to play. If a player and the jewelry is removed, the player can re-enter under the re-entry. Jewelry that is out of sight (taped or under uniform or batting glove) does not have the be removed if not considered dangerous.
NOTE: Medical alert bracelets or necklaces are not considered jewelry, but if worn, they must be taped to the body so the medical information remains visible.
It seems that if a taped piece of jewelry was dangerous, that fact would be obvious without asking what is under the tape. Therefore, if you need to ask......