Thread: take a knee?
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Old Thu Sep 20, 2012, 08:21am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by JasonTX View Post
I had a game a few years ago with the defense needing to score to win. The offense, for whatever reason, told me they were taking a knee. Ok? Why are you telling me? I don't need to know what play they are calling. They take the snap and it is muffed and recovered by the defense with just enough to attempt a play. They didn't score, but at least they played til the final horn without giving up. It was one of the most exciting finishes I have seen because it just goes to show that the game isn't over until the clock hits zero.
My example is similar, but the opposite. My first year, I'm working with a very experienced guy. Offense announced that they are taking a knee. My whitehat tells the defense - "They're taking a knee. Relax, I don't want to see any hitting here." Sure enough, snap is muffed, hits the QB's foot and goes right about to the tackle. Had the defense been ready, they would have had a very good chance at getting it, as the linemen were clueless. RB ended up recovering. I felt like we took that game away from the defense there.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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