The yardage is not marked off, and the try is no good.
8.3.2 SITUATION C: During a try, A1 passes complete to A2 in the end zone
and: (a) ineligible A3 was illegally beyond the neutral zone; or (b) A4 interfered
with B1; or (c) B2 interfered with A2. RULING: In (a), if the 5-yard penalty is
accepted, the try will be repeated. In (b), the loss of down foul by A4 dictates that
no points are scored, and there is no replay. In (c), A undoubtedly will accept the
result of the play and enforce the penalty from the succeeding spot. (7-5-10
Penalty; 7-5-12 Penalty; 8-3-4, 5; 10-5-4)