Originally Posted by asdf
Relevance ?? You asked if I saw the game. I gave you someone who was on the sidelines that heard what is repeated around the league in this situation.
After they were told the knee was coming....that's what the problem is...
Sigh ...
Let's not be politicians... let's actually hear the words the other person is saying and respond to those.
You said that the team behind decided without warning...
I disagreed with the "without warning" part and asked if you'd seen the play in question. If you had, I don't think you would describe Tampa's alignment as "without warning" - like I said, watching from home on TV it was obvious to me that something was coming. They were not passive at all.
The fact that your father in law heard Ferris's cousin's hairdresser say that they were taking a knee is completely irrelevant to the fact that Tampa Bay was obviously not taking the play off. I'm not disputing that NYG said they were taking a knee. No one is. So great, you have proof from your father in law that something happened that no one is disagreeing with.
I fail to understand why you (or anyone) is upset that a team down only 1 score played every down to win. Further, I wonder how this discussion would be going if Eli actually dropped the ball when he was surprised by Tampa's defensive rush.