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Old Tue Sep 18, 2012, 08:39am
rwest rwest is offline
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Originally Posted by jmkupka View Post
R1 on 2nd, 2 outs, runner off with the pitch, grounder to F6, F3 catches ball with a pulled foot, my BU partner calls OUT (based on his angle).

R1 crossing home plate and defense leaving the field as 3B Coach is asking BU to come to me for help.

I tell him what I saw (pulled foot) and we put defense back to their positions.

DC wants R1 put back to 3B, as F3 had stopped playing upon the OUT call.

A HTBT situation for sure, but I'll try to remove one variable: In your judgement, R1 would have beaten any IMMEDIATE throw from F3 (I'm putting you in my place).

Should we have put R1 back to 3B? Would this be rewarding bad defense F3?
Were our mechanics correct, or should he have come to me for help before the out call?
FED has a mechanic where you can go for help in this situation. However, I don't like that mechanic and I don't use it. I prefer to make the call and then go for help if asked. I agree with Mike on this. If you are certain the run would have scored, keep it on the books, if not put her back on 3rd.
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