Thread: take a knee?
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Old Tue Sep 18, 2012, 05:45am
asdf asdf is offline
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Originally Posted by jchamp View Post
I wasn't aware of the reference. The described case is pretty unsporting--an attempt to run up the numbers.

I have no problem with them being millionaires. I've contributed a small share to making them millionaires and did so gladly in order to appreciate the entertainment they provide.
But don't forget the second part of that statement--incredible athletes. In the NFL, they are, indeed, professional entertainers. I pay my money to see professional entertainers. In other words, "Dance, monkey! Dance!"
When I go to a movie, I expect the theater to run the film until the credits end, and not stop it just before the climax.
When I go to a concert, I expect that the musician will play his complete set, and not suddenly stop 30 seconds into his closing song.
When I go to a PROFESSIONAL* football game, I expect players to play their hearts out until there is no further doubt as to the outcome. Anything less is robbing the fans of the entertainment which they have already paid to see.

*College is a mixed case--some places it's almost professional whereas others it's definitely amateur. High school: Let's just have fun, boys!
Then you shold be howling just as loud when a team, either ahead, behind or losing, takes a knee just before the half.
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