Originally Posted by Spence
No, I wasn't there. I've asked a few people and they all said the call was DPI.
Regardless, thanks for all of the replies . Maybe they just kicked it.
I had a game on steaming video where we had 4 penalties on one play.
First one happen at the snap for an illegal formation. The second happen after the ball was punted and returned, there was a holding call (on receiving team). Then after the play was over we had two dead ball penalties, one a PF the other a USC against the receiving team. The broadcasters went on a rant about the illegal formation and said that "Nothing can happen after that penalty is called." Now this sequence was a total screw up on many levels as I the WH had to give this penalty sequence 3 times and took 7 minutes. Coach was told some wrong information by a crew member and we eventually got it right after 7 minutes, but the broadcasters of the game made it sound like no other penalty could take place but the first one. Eventually they understood what we did at the end, but when the public hears certain things they take it as law. Just another example why I am sometimes skeptical when announcers say things.