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Old Sat Sep 15, 2012, 10:24pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by MN BB Ref View Post
IMHO it never should have gotten to the second flag without the coach being informed by the wing as to why the penalty was assessed. Granted, by the time a team reaches the state playoffs they should know better but even still we do everything possible to prevent issues before they occur.
You're going to take time after the first play? In a playoff game? BTW, the wing told the head coach what the foul was, it was his choice not to fix the problem.

(Edited to add: Looks like that's exactly what was said. We agree. The head coach was fairly thick, combined with the fact that I believe the other crews he had in his previous 9 games looked the other way at the requirement. I really had no choice but to throw a flag and when he didn't correct it after being told about it on the second play, I decided to shut it down and talk with the coach myself.)
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