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Old Fri Sep 14, 2012, 04:53pm
Publius Publius is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
No one has to be sympathetic to your personal ambitions. You leave you can and will be replaced. That is also the American way.


When I assign, I do it in such a manner to accommodate ambition, but it has its limits. Never mind working professional games; I have guys who turn back games just to work higher levels of amateur ball. That, even though I always wait to assign until the D1/D2 assignors are done. That, even though I always tell them, "If you want to stay available in case a make-up or replacement opportunity comes up, great. Just don't take my games." I never hold grudges for blocking a date so you can be open to work up. I always do if you turn back games I gave you after I already made my own job more difficult in order to accommodate your ambition.

I do what I can to help guys move up. One thing I absolutely demand, though, before I recommend someone to a higher-level assignor is that he honors his commitments.

I took a lot of heat for hiring striking minor-league baseball umpires in 2006. The ones I hired, though, batted 1.000 when it came to honoring their commitments. That was better than I got from the complainers; hell, I had one guy b!tching because I gave a striker a game that guy had turned back!