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Old Fri Sep 14, 2012, 03:48pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
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Originally Posted by IUgrad92 View Post
Jeff, all I can do is respond to the words you say, and you said this...."And no people do not just quit a good gig just because they do not like the certain conditions. What fantasy world are you living in?" So I would suggest the following; 1) either get better with your grammar or 2) own up to what you say on here.
Sue me, I typed a little fast. Still the statement stands, no one just quits a job just because they do not like one aspect of a job. They just want to be compensated for what they do from a multi-billion dollar corporation. It would cost each team around $100,000 and they are charging well over $100 a game for tickets in many cases and building new stadiums with tax payer money.

Originally Posted by IUgrad92 View Post
If you want to try to put a dig in on me with that 'fantasy world' crap, then I will response with facts and 'real' examples and make you look silly. Then in turn, you will obfuscate and pretend like you didn't say what you said. I've seen you do it too many times. You could actually be a good politician...
Actually people who travel for a living want to be compensated for that job. I do not know anyone that is gone for several days to do their job says, "Hey I want to be paid the same as someone that is sitting in their office and goes home every day." Maybe you have never had that kind of job, but people that do tend to make a little more than a manager that sits in the same place all the time. Better yet, if you have a job where you are on-call or always away from home people in those situations tend to ask for more money. And this is not even about money, it is about benefits.

Originally Posted by IUgrad92 View Post
Who friggin' cares about the 4th timeout!!! Sure it was wrong. Did it change the outcome of the game? NO. Have there been games in the past 2-3 years where an incorrect call by the Big Boys did change the outcome of the game? YES.
But you said they could get anyone to take their job right? That was not a kind of sort of oversight, that was a pretty bad mistake that could have helped the Seahawks win the game. That is not a mistake that the current guys make or even a person at the high school or college level should make. And that was created because these guys have no NFL experience before this weekend (not talking about laid back pre-season). I would compare this to someone that crossed a line in the NBA not knowing how to apply the “clear path” rule or know the differences in the semi-circle from different levels. Then again the guys in the NBA that would be replaced are not guys like these replacements; they are not getting their replacements from high school courts. The regular NFL guys might miss a foot being out of bounds or a catch (and replay is there to help those situation), but not running the clock when it is supposed to be run or giving a touchback on the 5 yard line are not things the regular guys do. Better yet, not knowing when to enforce a penalty at the end of the kick or applying an NF philosophy of going back to the previous spot. Those are big things that would normally be caught. Again you say no one cares, but someone cares because those things are constantly being talked about by those that cover the NFL on a regular basis. I cannot watch a single NFL show without some mention of these kinds of huge mistakes and they are not easily defended like those from the regulars.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)