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Old Fri Sep 14, 2012, 03:31pm
IUgrad92 IUgrad92 is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Are you really comparing an NBA player that wanted to win a title for historical glory to guys that will be a footnote and the scorn no matter how many NFL games they will work? Do you think any of these guys are going to work the Super Bowl? I would rather not work than be the guy that was on the game where I gave a 4th timeout (actual FB friend was on that game).
Jeff, all I can do is respond to the words you say, and you said this...."And no people do not just quit a good gig just because they do not like the certain conditions. What fantasy world are you living in?" So I would suggest the following; 1) either get better with your grammar or 2) own up to what you say on here.

If you want to try to put a dig in on me with that 'fantasy world' crap, then I will response with facts and 'real' examples and make you look silly. Then in turn, you will obfuscate and pretend like you didn't say what you said. I've seen you do it too many times. You could actually be a good politician...

Who friggin' cares about the 4th timeout!!! Sure it was wrong. Did it change the outcome of the game? NO. Have there been games in the past 2-3 years where an incorrect call by the Big Boys did change the outcome of the game? YES.
When the horn sounds, we're outta here.