Originally Posted by mbcrowder
This is the same as ASA, just worded differently. When you killed the play, you "affected" the runners in play. The OBS (indirectly perhaps) affected them by not allowing them to reach whatever base you feel they would have reached. Place them where they would have reached absent the obstruction and subsequent tag and dead ball.
I still believe it is hard to place other runners where they would have been had their not have been obstruction. Case in point. Runner on 1st. Ball hit to the gap. Runner from first is obstructed at second base and continues home where she is tagged out. Batter runner continues toward third base. We call dead ball when runner at home is tagged out. If there hadn't been obstruction, maybe there isn't a throw home because she was real close to home, so maybe the batter/runner stays at second not risking getting thrown out at third. Where do I place the batter/runner?