Originally Posted by IUgrad92
I could be wrong, but I think every NFL official signs up for the job and knows full well what they are getting into. You make it sound like someone is holding a gun to their heads making them do it, and for little reward nonetheless. Give me a break. If they don't want to deal with the things you mentioned above, guess what, it's a free country. They can quit anytime and find another profession. Normal people do it every day!
Well they do not just sign up, they get asked. And when you put what they were doing in context and mostly D1 officials are the ones that become NFL officials, they are not only getting a bigger pay check, but more responsibility to travel and do things during the week. There is a reason that D1 basketball officials can consider seriously giving up their regular jobs and a D1 football official would not even think of doing that seriously. Again, they were not asking to bankrupt the NFL over their requests. Knowing what you are getting into is not a justification to accept the conditions that the NFL wants to change.
And no people do not just quit a good gig just because they do not like the certain conditions. What fantasy world are you living in? And considering that they are working in many cases two full time jobs to be an NFL official (especially crew chiefs). This is not something they are doing like a regular HS official and if you think so you do not know much about what happens at that level.