Originally Posted by JRutledge
You are right, no sacrifice. No missing family events or maybe even games. No strain on marriages or missing job situations that would be difficult. It is a great gig, but it is a gig still. So when you have other income and probably could make other income at your job or be with your family all weekend, they are in another city talking football then working football. And now they have a game every week on Thursday so now in the middle of the week officials will have to leave a job or leave their family potentially. All I know is I have a game Friday and Saturday and I will make barely $200 for the two days and most will be eaten up by gas. And I am not getting paid by a multi-billion dollar industry to spend that time away from a family that I would have to work football. And I will be home at the end of the night. An NFL official might be on a plane than home very late depending on the time their game is played.
I could be wrong, but I think every NFL official signs up for the job and knows full well what they are getting into. You make it sound like someone is holding a gun to their heads making them do it, and for little reward nonetheless. Give me a break. If they don't want to deal with the things you mentioned above, guess what, it's a free country. They can quit anytime and find another profession. Normal people do it every day!