Originally Posted by BigBaldGuy
Or maybe they just weren't good enough until the real NFL officials got locked out and all the good D1 officials didn't want to screw their brothers.
Or maybe some of them were previously thrown under the bus or was stepped on by one of those NFL officials in the past and they have no reason to have any loyalty to them.
Everyone wants to act like there is a sweet brotherhood among officials. All you have to do is open your eyes to know that is hardly true. There are certainly great people out there and I'd be loyal to them without hesitation but there are as many snakes in the grass as there are good guys. I can't count the number of times I've witnessed disgusting backstabbing and two-faced deceit form officials. I have direct knowledge of some cases of outright shameful behavior form people that have fooled many into thinking they're a saint....they just hide it well but I've caught them in their lies.
I'm just not going to be blindly loyal to an entire group of officials when there will be as many of them that would as soon step all over you.