Originally Posted by BretMan
Originally Posted by tcannizzo
NOTE: A runner continuing to run and drawing a throw may be considered
a form of interference. This does not apply to a batter-runner who is entitled
to run on the dropped third strike rule.
I could swear there was a recent thread about this, but I cannot find it.
As I recall, this was the citation that allows running to 1B, but not beyond 1B.
I think that there was a thread about this on the "Hey Bucket" forum that you and I both participated in a few months ago. But I don't remember any conclusions being drawn about the retired batter not being allowed to go beyond first base, That's a new one for me!
I think it's the logical conclusion to the rule cited by
tcannizzo. A retired runner continuing to run
and drawing a throw is a form of interference. The recent rewrite and substitution of the word "entitled" mucks up the common interpretation that a batter may mistakenly (or deliberately) run to first base when occupied with less than two out on an uncaught third strike. The defense, and their rat coach, is supposed to know the situation and play accordingly.
Hmm. TWP that I really hesitated to post: R1 on second, R2 on first, one out. B4 strikes out on a pitch in the dirt but runs toward first. R1 and R2 take off. Retired B rounds first and heads toward 2nd, finally drawing a throw. Dead ball, INT, R1 out. Right result? Probably. Because defense was smart, waiting to make a throw on B, and offense was stupid in going past first. If the defense plays on any other runner, call outs or score runs as appropriate.