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Old Tue Sep 11, 2012, 12:34pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by rwest View Post
9.1. Protests...

A. Misinterpretation of a playing rule....
B. Illegal Player
C. Ineligible Player

No where is an unreported sub listed as a protest in 9.1. In the definition and in rule 9.1 (both are just as much a part of the rule book as 4.6) this is not identified as a protest. ASA either needs to add unreported sub to 9.1 and change the definition or add unreported sub to the list of appeal plays.

We are, however, arguing semantics. Whether we call it an appeal or a protest, I have no doubt that we will both enforce the rule correctly.

I too go by the rule book. I just realize that the rule book is not perfect. It was written by man and we make mistakes. It would be no less perfect if I was the author!
Actually, it's not semantics, and is the crux of the issue.

If this was an appeal, we have very specific instructions about when and how to handle appeals --- and I would STOP doing what I would do now, which is trying to prevent the situation from occurring if I notice it first.

HOWEVER, if it is a protest - we are told to prevent any possible protestable events before they happen ... which is what I am doing now when I try to put the right player in place.

But you're right that unreported sub is not REALLY specified as either, so based on which you feel it fits better and absent specific verbiage from ASA, you can justify either side of this argument.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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