Thread: Rule Change
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Old Mon Sep 10, 2012, 11:07pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by eyezen View Post
I know most of you snicker at this rule change, but if you've ever had the opportunity to work at a venue with a big long table with lots of personel and media and what not (like state tourney or a college game) it does help with things. I think this rule can only help make our jobs easier, with no downsides.

Having said that, I don't think its something to make an issue over. If your state or association has a policy, (report to game management or state) then that is what should be done. If not then no big deal.
Yes this does make it helpful to see the person as you stated. And it seems to be rather common place in those bigger arenas and games I have worked. Even some smaller schools do this as well. And I think this will be something that we will report with a Special Report to our state if this is not done. But I doubt seriously it is going to be much of an issue or something that we would even care about most of the time.

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