Thread: The Appeal
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Old Sun Apr 27, 2003, 03:36pm
chris s chris s is offline
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Smile Re: What 's the big deaL?

Originally posted by David B
Having started umpiring in t-ball/pinto etc., I "did my time" and I don't think the umpire was wrong at all.

He simply told them they had to appeal the play, he wasn't going to call the runner out without a proper appeal.

I would tell them the same thing in all the other leagues also.

Coach says he missed home,
Ump says well appeal the play.
Coach says how do we do that?
Ump says you should know that.
Coach says can I have time?
Ump sure.

Coach goes out talks to the pitcher etc., and then they
try to appeal without the ball being in play etc, etc, etc,.

What a mess.

So I say, no the umpire was not wrong in telling them they need to appeal.

And if the coach persisted in such a manner as to get thrown out of the game, then shame on the coach.

When I was a young umpire (and didn't know all of the rules granted) one thing I could not stand was a grown man trying to tell me what to do. I did the best I could, and if the coaches didn't like it, they could get on the blue shirt and call games themselves.

Sure the kid missed the base, but what did the coach teach his kids by getting thrown out of a game.

Not worth it in any kids league.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
David , I like your style! )
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