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Old Thu Sep 06, 2012, 07:32pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
Wow. Quite an ego you've got there, sir.

Instead of going through the process of making an editorial change to the book to accommodate a single person who "needs to know the rules", perhaps it would be simpler if that one person attend even a single clinic.

Or better yet, ask here - and ACCEPT THE ANSWER YOU'RE GIVEN. You aren't STILL confused, right? So that worked. Now we can all move on.
Oh, I accept this answer. But what about the next question? Or the next person that has this question? Good rules writing tries to hammer these things out whenever they come up. There's no reason not to address every single one that's raised that way.

Indeed, it appears I, or somebody with the exact same question, got NCAA some years ago to fix a problem that'd existed in the wording of provisions to determine who was on team A's line of scrimmage. They had in one place written "[various body parts] or body", which implied that "body" alone was meant not to include those parts, and elsewhere nearby wrote "body" alone where they did mean to include all parts. I asked the editor a question, got an answer, and sure enough, about 3 years later they fixed that ambiguity. It pays to ask, and it pays to complain.
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