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Old Thu Sep 06, 2012, 02:11pm
BigT BigT is offline
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ART. 5 . . . Allow the game to develop into an actionless contest, this includes
the following and similar acts:

I am getting ready to bounce the ball to the free-thrower and notice the kid getting a drink. He is not ready to play preventing the game from going on. That is why its illegal? That makes sense to me. If he spills it is a technical?

How rough you want to be on a coach for allowing a mess to be made during a 30 second time out is up to you? It could be a warning, DoG, or technical depending?

I have developed a lot of grey becoming an official. I am wondering if they are even allowed to bring water onto the court during a 30 second time out or ever just for the purpose of delaying the game due to a mess. Maybe you let them hang themselves and give a quick DoG for being stupid. Then how to do phrase a T could happen?

Thanks for the responses and help.
BigT "The rookie"
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