Originally Posted by Manny A
Just out of curiosity, who does get compensated during tournament play besides the umpires? Do the TDs? How about other "admin" type folks who do things like maintain the brackets and schedules, operate the scoreboards, etc...
I would imagine it depends on the tournament. Here, it is not uncommon for the field prep teams to get paid (easier to get crews, who do a better job - typically high school age kids - than trying to round up volunteers). I don't know about TD's etc., but most (all?) of these tournaments are making money for
If the money is made by the local softball association, and people want to volunteer their time to help said local association, great. But volunteering should be (ahem) voluntary.
Umpiring is a professional skill, so paying for it seems reasonable to me. If a tournament wants to try going with volunteer UICs (or even volunteer umpires), nothing is stopping them. But, make no mistake, the money saved will be going to