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Old Mon Sep 03, 2012, 04:23am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Lightbulb Canadian Ruling

Originally Posted by ODJ View Post
Can't find the answer to this:

Team A, 4th and Goal on B's 28.
A12 throws incomplete pass toward A84. B33 is guilty of defensive pass interference on A84.

Question: is it 1st & Goal, or 1st & 10?

You didn't say where on the field the DPI happens. In Canada, DPI is a spot foul, but with a max of 15 unrestricted yards. And it becomes 1D/10. (It would only become "and goal" if the new spot was inside the 10.) Since the full 15 would move the ball only as close as the 13, it would always be 1D/10 is enforced from the 28.
Pope Francis
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