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Old Sun Sep 02, 2012, 09:03am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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ASA Umpire Manual Pre-Game

D. PU receives line-up cards from each coach
1. Inspects for proper number of players in the starting line-up
2. Inspects for proper information, by rule
3. Returns card to respective coach for final check
4. Accepts as "official" when cards are returned to the plate umpire.

This is the ASA prescribed procedure for handling the line-up cards. If you have not seen this in a clinic, you need to bring it to the attention of the UIC/trainer.

Once the card is confirmed by the coach, it is THE official line-up and any alterations to it from that moment forward is considered a change, whether sub, re-entry, CR, DP/FLEX manuever, whatever.

At this point, that part of the pre-game is done. I understand other associations expect you to continue further, but IMO, it is not the umpire's responsibility, nor place on the field, to prompt/cue/coach the coach.

I understand preventive umpiring, and asking for a sub/change when something occurs in the which dictates such action is fine. However, in the pre-game, nothing has occurred which would make me believe a change is imminent.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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