Originally Posted by Eastshire
I think jchamp is proposing that instead of kicking the ball on the ground, the better play is to pick the ball up and either a) punt if not under pressure or b) throw a backwards pass out of the end zone.
He's proposing that while b) is still a safety, it is not a penalty which would afford A an opportunity to replay the down if B fouled during it.
I don't know if he's correct in his assessment of the result or not.
That was precisely my point. If B fouls during the down, A has the opportunity that comes from it. The best that can happen if A fouls is they replay the down just as it was, 4th & whatever. If A does not foul, the best that can happen is B fouls and the result of the enforcement is 1st down. It's pretty simple, if you can avoid committing a foul, you do so. There are very few situations in which the result of fouling is preferable to not fouling. This is not one of them.