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Old Wed Aug 29, 2012, 10:00am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by Manny A View Post
Well, it's been quite a while, and perhaps I didn't use those exact words when I spoke to the coach.
No offense intended, but we can only go by what you actually type. Don't roll your eyes at someone who believes that you mean what you type... how could I have guessed that you didn't?

I must admit, however, that that was the first time I ever heard of a coach listing a DP/Flex on his/her line-up, but then having the DP start in the Flex's listed defensive position. It did catch me off-guard. And then the coach had the Flex and the DP both in on defense when the game started and the player listed in the #1 batting position was still missing.
Maybe I made my point poorly because you seem to disagree with it while going about proving it. But this is what I'm talking about. I didn't mean to offend you by saying you need to learn this rule and be SURE of it - I bet more than half of the umpires out there are caught off guard by this rule at some point in the season ... and sometimes illegal things are allowed to happen because someone misses a small part of this rule. We ALL need to be SURE on this rule - because it has a lot of possibilities and flexibility - and coaches are creative.

This begs another question: Was this a case of an unreported substitution? Is there a requirement to report when a DP plays defense for someone other than the Flex?
Again, my point exactly. Of course not. Again, without offering offense, you should know this. DP playing defense for LF is exactly the same as LF playing defense for RF.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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