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Old Wed Aug 29, 2012, 09:42am
Steve Meyer Steve Meyer is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by BigUmp56 View Post
Because he was asking about NOT calling the obstruction. And if you don't call it when it happens, then a missed base appeal is a possibility that you're going to have to explain away if you have to retroactively call it. It helps if you read all of the posts in the thread before you "jump" in and post under this new alias.

I did read it. Your post started the thread in a whole different direction.

Another question was posed about ignoring the obstruction if the runner touched home, and keeping the ball live. How is a missed base appeal a possibility, when he was denied the plate to begin with? Never heard of this happening under any set of rules. I think you're taking the situation a bit too far.

I not waiting to call obstruction. I call it when it happens. It sounds like you would have the offensive team put in a substitute/pinch runner to complete the last half foot of the award if the runner was hurt, and couldn't finish his base award.

Sometimes you just have to umpire, and not overthink the rules. If not you can always go to instant replay. After all this is LL.
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