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Old Sun Aug 26, 2012, 08:19am
Forksref Forksref is offline
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I was questioning the necessity of the L being at the 50 on the kickoff. After our first game Friday night, I am convinced that it is a mistake. We had enough kickoffs (49 pts scored) that my test sample is large enough to go with the result.

I found that we didn't have good coverage of the L's sideline in terms of getting accurate spots. The L couldn't get from the 50 to the end of the run in time to be with the play enough to move directly onto the field for the spot. As the R, I am trailing the runner and don't have the perfect spot either. There is a 50 yd gap in coverage when the ball is kicked and this makes it hard to get good coverage.

BTW, Minnesota has told all of its officials to NOT do the new NFHS mechanic and use the old coverage. When we do games in Minnesota this year we will be doing the old mechanic.

I think the FED has sought to correct a problem that is not there. In 25 yrs of doing football, I have never seen the kicking team block prior to the ball going 10 yds. Except in on-side kicks whereby we have 4 guys on those lines anyway. If it didn't happen in yrs past when it was legal, why should we expect it to happen now when it is not legal?
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