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Old Wed Aug 22, 2012, 09:57am
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Originally Posted by 7IronRef View Post
simply touching a player to measure up is not illegal

if you cannot tell if the contact impedes play, you cannot call it. it would be considered incidental contact.
I'm aware of the first sentence, but the second is simply not true. Most levels that I'm aware of want the hand check called if contact is prolonged, not just if the advantage is obvious. It's pretty dammed easy for a defender, if he's allowed to keep his hand on the dribbler, to subtly change his direction in ways that drastically and negatively affect the offense.

My point with regard to "measuring up" is that it's stupid and not necessary. Why in the world would you need to use your hands to figure out how far you are from a player you an see? Yet I know it's allowed, so I don't call it unless the hand stays on the dribbler.
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