about OBS calls
We hardly ever talk about OBS ; so here goes.
A) What is your philosophy and your practice on calling the obstruction when there is no play being made?
for example:
1- poss pickoff sitch, runner returning to 1st blocked by F3, no throw
2- runner at any base blocked from rounding the base when there is no apparent attempt to proceed (assume enough of a block to make the runner stop short or overrun to the side)
3- lead runer sidestepping a non-involved fielder on a deep base hit
B) Poss pickoff sit, F3 or F4 straddling 1st, which are OBS to call:
1 - 2nd base side of base
2 - over the fair/white side
3 - over the foul/color side
4 - feet anywhere with body over the base
Please comment on any you choose or all.
Hugo, I know what I think & do, will post later, checking for disagreement.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.