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Old Tue Aug 14, 2012, 08:12am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by bsnalex View Post
So I was doing a training game the other day - training for the club who have several tournaments upcoming and personal training for me who has a BASU (british umpire) assessment upcoming. Batter hits to left field and goes for 2. When F4 catches the ball she keeps well off the path and places her glove on the ground in contact with the side of the bag. BR doesn't slide into 2, rather he drags his lead foot over her glove (making obvious contact with the glove). Ball stays put he halts on 2. My call is out on the tag.

Nobody argued, just had a good laugh at what stupid baserunning BR did. As I look back, should I have called obstruction on F4 for blocking the base? In my mind i don't think she did as most of the base was left uncovered.

This is ISF, not ASA.

Even in ISF, you cannot have obstruction on a fielder that has possession of the ball. Also, you cannot have obstruction if the runner is not obstructed.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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