Originally Posted by Manny A
I also contend that under ASA RS #24A, the batter is out for 1. and 2. under ASA. The supplement says, "If, when the bat contacts the ball [a second time] a batter’s entire foot is completely outside the batter’s box, the batter is out." In my 1. and 2., the batter is running up the first base line and intentionally hits the ball with the bat, so she clearly has a foot out of the batter's box. Or am I wrong in my assumption in what the RS language intends here?
If it is indeed an out in ASA for 1. and 2., then why isn't it an out for 3? That's where I feel the rulings are inconsistent in ASA.
To start #24: When considering the act of a batter hitting the
PITCHED ball a second time
A doesn't mention it, but 7.6.K specifically notes this is referring to a FAIR ball.
You can turn this anyway you want, ASA does not forbid either the offense or defense contacting a foul ball.