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Old Wed Aug 01, 2012, 05:19pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
I don't think it is. I understand it, but solely as an umpire, why do we care about what we think is fair or not? How many times have you heard an umpire make up or bend a rule to be "fair"? Or this or that is not going to happen in my game because it isn't fair?
Understood ... but THIS post (or at least where it evolved) is about whether the rule SHOULD BE what it is, in ASA (and it kind of went there due to a response to one of your posts). I would NEVER EVER condone an umpire bending or ignoring a rule to satisfy his own personal sense of fairness --- in fact, you've seen me beat up umpires here for doing the same. However, we all (both of us included) have posted occasionally where we thought a rule should not be what it is. You're allowed to. I'm allowed to. It may not be our job ... but we care anyway. We shouldn't jump on someone for caring about changing a rule.

All this talk about the intention of the batter to keep the ball foul. What about the intention of the fielder who throws the glove from 20' to keep the ball foul? Is that fair? AFAIC, it is because the rule says it is.
Well ... tbh, I'm consistent here in that I don't think THAT is fair either. Same reason. they can't do it ON the field, why should they be able to do it on a ball that is in foul territory but not yet foul.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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