Originally Posted by splitveer
I thought to appeal all you had to do was touch the missed base OR touch the runner that missed the base????
Well, that's part of it. The other part is to let the umpire know what the heck you're doing!
From the ASA Definitions:
APPEAL PLAY: A play on a rule violation on which an umpire may not make a decision until
requested by a manager, coach or player."
Simply tagging a base or a runner with no request for an appeal is not going to get the job done (unless it's extremely obvious what the defense is doing, such as throwing to a base that a runner left when she failed to tag up on a caught fly ball, and she's running back to that base). Somebody should have said, "Blue, we appeal that the runner missed home," or something similar as the catcher touched home. Just saying to the pitcher, "Throw the ball home so the catcher can touch the plate," isn't a request.