Originally Posted by johnnyg08
Read my entire post. Carefully. And on this play the positioning still wasn't that great, but he might have been pinned. I haven't seen this clip for a few weeks.
My point was not to critique your statement, or whether you are right or wrong in positioning for plays at the plate because, as you have already stated, "Call 'em how you want".
Rather, whether you start 1BLX, point of the plate, 3BLX or any other place, you have to adjust to the play, the level of ball, the catchers ability and anyone of many other varibles to get the call right. We sometimes get so hung up on perfect positioning and still forget that it is a suggested location to start from but, do what you have to to get the dang call right.
Looking and acting professional is good for perception but, that greatly diminishes when you don't get the call correct.