Originally Posted by CT1
Here's the rule:
"The horizontal crossbar and the uprights above it shall be free from anv
decorative material except paint which is recommended to be either silver,
white or yellow in color. One wind directional streamer may be attached to
the top of each upright. Wind directional streamers shall be 4 inches in
width, 42 inches in length and either red, orange, or yellow in color."
Since the rule does not specify that only one color of paint be used, and does permit paint to be used as a decorative material (it is listed as the exception to decorative materials), and since the colors are listed as recommendations and not required colors (note the difference in verbiage compared to the wind streamers) then I would have to agree that barber poles, tiger stripes, checkerboards, or digital camouflage meet the requirements, if not the intent, of the rule. If people get carried away, I could see a change being made. But painting the goalposts any single team color shouldn't be an issue, as long as it can be easily seen against whatever background is present.