Originally Posted by mbcrowder
I recognize what ASA's position IS (and on the extremely off chance that this actually happens in my game, I'll call it appropriately). We're talking about what it SHOULD be. Let's not go ad absurdum here... but yes - if the ODB or a coach grabs a ball that is likely to roll fair, hell yes the batter should be out.
How are you going to judge that? How do you it isn't likely to go further foul? I don't even want to imagine all the BS umpires will get there.
and implying that the offense and defense should have equal opportunity to "manipulate the status of the ball" is just as silly.
I don't know. Why not? Why should only the defense have the option of not letting the ball take it's course? How about a runner on 3B grabbing a ball over foul territory? Does NCAA & NFHS address that? And I'm asking, don't know.
(NO ONE is saying that a bounder down the line that the base coach catches should be an out --- and I think you know that.)
Actually, that is exactly what you suggested.