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Old Fri Jul 27, 2012, 05:39pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by CT1 View Post
Of course it is. The OP wanted to know what colors goal posts could be painted IN ILLINOIS. *I* don't know what Illinois allows that might be outside the NFHS standard.

Saying only that "(t)he IHSA uses in all sports National Federation Rules" implies that they use NFHS with no modifications.
Can you name any modifications? I certainly cannot.

And what is in the rulebook is the standard. States have the right to define how some rules are interpretation or if there is a policy that might be used, but this certainly does not apply to the color of the goal posts. For example there is a policy for concussions that we must follow, but the rules are not modified to accomplish that policy. The rules only deal with what is defined to allow a player come back into play. And that policy did not modify any NF rule to create a policy. If we identify a player that has concussion-like-symptoms, we still remove them from the game.

Maybe you can help me remember, but I do not know of not a single NF Rule in football that we do not apply across the board in Illinois.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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